Treasurer's Office
David L. Viverito, CPA:
The City Treasurer is the Chief Fiscal Officer of the City of Burbank
and the Director of the Finance Department.
The Treasurer is responsible for preparing and coordinating the
City-wide budget, which is the spending plan the city follows throughout
the year. Input is received from all the department heads, and the
Treasurer submits the budget to the Mayor and City Council to review,
modify, and authorize. The Treasurer secures all the City’s funds in
accordance with the Investment Policy and the laws of the State of
Illinois. Capital preservation is the main goal for the City in addition
to securing a reasonable return on funds the City is not utilizing for
current expenses.
The Finance Department maintains the accounting records and financial
management information systems of the City. Finance is also responsible
for assisting the public accounting firm that performs the annual audit
of the City’s financial statements. The goal of the audit is to perform
tests and ultimately verify that the financial statements follow United
States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and comply with
standards issued by the Government Accounting Standard Board (GASB). The
Finance Department pays all vendors and maintains the payroll records of
the city. The Finance Department staff issues payment for wages and
benefits earned by all the City’s unionized, managerial, and clerical
support staff.
The City of Burbank currently holds an A2 bond rating from Moody’s
Investor Services on its General Obligation bonded indebtedness. The
most recent rating was given on September 15, 2023.
The City offers readers the following Annual Financial Reports: