Welcome to the City of Burbank, Illinois

Citizens and Government working together for the future
Home City Hall Police Fire
Public Works


5650 W. 75th Place
Burbank, IL 60459 (708) 924-7300 Fax (708) 728-0412


Police-to-Citizen (P2C)

Police-to-Citizen (P2C) – The Burbank Police Department, in concert with our 911 partners, is pleased to announce another effort to share police data with our citizens. P2C enables the department to utilize the Internet to host a portal for citizens to view police activity in our city. Although we have always shared this data on our web page under the police blotter page, this new application shares more data plus it automates the process and allows searches. The following is a break down of what this new application will allow citizens to do:

P2C Features
• Allows citizens to perform simple searches from our Records Management System (RMS) including; arrests, incident, accidents, wanted subjects, and sex offenders. Citizens can also map the results of the data with the simple click of a button.
• Bicycle registration from your computer in a simple to use form.
• Provides most wanted, recent arrests, sex offenders, and missing persons slide shows.
• Traffic condition will report all active accidents, or traffic hazards as they occur.
• Community Calendar will keep citizens up to date on community activities.
• Officer/Dispatcher Commendation allows citizen to commend the actions of a particular officer or dispatcher.

This venture has been initiated in partnership with the other departments in our consortium which includes Oak Lawn, Bridgeview, and Evergreen Park. The City’s home web page will remain www.burbankil.gov. A link on that page will bring you to the P2C site to give you an open window to the police activity in your neighborhood. We feel that sharing this information with our citizens strengthens the partnership between police and community.
While visiting our web page do not forget to sign up for the Everbridge service which is our enhanced reverse 911 system. This allows citizens to receive emergency notices and citizen alerts not only on their land line but also via E-mail, cell phone voice and cell phone text message.

NOTE: Some police reports are classified as restricted requiring you to go to the Burbank Police station located at 5650 W.75th Place, for a copy.

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